In the multi-media installation "Easyluck - Made in China", 2004, the common fortune cookies one recieves after a meal in a Chinese restaurant are the topic of exploration.
The fortunes from these cookies are categorized into various themes, five of the fortunes were illustrated in small assemblages, placed in glassed wooden boxes.
Hand - died Chinese lanterns structure the central space of the gallery, while two of the walls are given to writings of the categorized fortunes in various shades of red ink.
Fortunes can be traced back to the 19th century Chinese railroad workers in America, who used small cookies to transport clandestine messages.
To juxtapose the all too common modern fortunes, 25 approximately fist-size bone-china cookies were fabricated, which contain phrases of the Jenny Holzer series "Truisms" and "Survival Series".
A tape recording recites the modern fortunes as well as the phrases used from the Jenny Holzer series.
Bone-china cookies fabricated by Regina Jensen, Keramikwerkstatt im Atelierhof, Bremen